
There is a lot of Swedish immigrants, Sweden is a what kind of country, why do people like to immigrant to Sweden?
瑞典是一个人口稀少的国家,拥有漫长的海岸线、广阔的森林和大量的湖泊。它是世界上最北端的国家之一。就陆地面积而言,瑞典与西班牙、泰国或美国的加利福尼亚州相当。瑞典的国境线自 1905 年以来就没有发生过变化,该国在两次世界大战中都保持中立,而且自1814 年以来就没有发生过任何战争。
Sweden is a sparsely populated country, has a long coastline, vast forests and a large number of lakes. It is one of the most northern countries in the world. In terms of land area, Sweden and Spain, Thailand or the United States of California. Sweden's borders, there is no change has occurred since 1905, the country remained neutral in the two world wars, and since 1814, there is no any war.
  瑞典拥有悠长的夏日和同等漫长的冬夜,二者之间形成了极度的差异。在夏季,在瑞典处于北极圈以北的地区,太阳整日都停留在空中;即便在斯德哥尔摩(北纬 59 度)这样靠南的地区,6 月份的夜晚也仅有几个小时的半黑暗时间。
Sweden has long summer, and the same long winter nights, formed the extreme difference between them. In the summer, in the north of the Arctic Circle in Sweden, the sun wait all day just to stay in the air; Even in Stockholm (59 degrees north latitude) by the south region, June and only a few hours of half dark of night.
In terms of its geographical location, Sweden has a pleasant climate, its main cause is a cold ocean current from the west coast of Norway, it is called the Gulf Stream.
In some period of history, Scandinavia are covered by ice and snow all the year round. The last ice age in about ten thousand years ago has just ended, and the weight of the ice movement had a profound influence on the terrain here. Hard part of the underlying rocks exposed after washed into round, become a feature of the Swedish sea islands, and depression continues to deepen, formed the valleys and lakes.
大多数瑞典人的内心是很善良的。可是很多外国人到了瑞典的时候还是感觉到瑞典人的冷,这种冷不是不热情,而是是一种走不进的距离感和疏离感。他们很安静,很有礼貌,文质彬彬,你遇到困难也会伸出援手,可是却无法拥有大伙一起喝酒,大块吃肉的畅快感。永远不要想象可以和瑞典的朋友好到穿一条裤子,他们从小自我,独立,好的教养意识让他们大多数的时候都表现得素质高雅,至少在公共场合的时候是这样的,没有谁有野蛮或者无赖的举动。几十年的老邻居相处得很和睦,每天一起喝咖啡,却可能永远不知道各家其中的各色隐事,个人隐私,久远的故事。无论怎样个人的选择都会被普遍尊重, 比如同性恋,比如终身不嫁,终身未娶,除了涉及人品的行为没有人会对别人的生活说三道四,当然如果是不道德的行为还是会被大部分人鄙视的。
Most of the heart are very kind. But many foreigners still feel the cold swedes in Sweden, the cold is not warm, but it is a kind of can't walk into the sense of distance and alienation. They are very quiet, very polite, gentle, you meet with difficulties will also lend a helping hand, but can't have everyone together to drink, with large pieces of meat. Can never imagine and Sweden friend to wear a pair of trousers, they grew up self, independent, good education consciousness let them behave elegant quality most of the time, at least in public, no one has a brutal or rogue. Decades of elderly neighbors get along very harmonious, together to drink coffee every day, may never know what each of these various untitled, personal privacy, long story. No matter how personal choice is widely respected, such as homosexuality, such as lifelong not marry, lifelong not marry, in addition to involving personal character behavior no one would comment on someone else's life, of course if it's immoral behavior will despised by most people.
To sum up the increase in the number of Swedish immigration is very understand. Outside Sweden, beautiful scenery, sparsely populated, the heart pure, and so on.

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