
For customers to immigration, should know more about local customs and immigration countries to prepare the local traditional festival, today we will to prepare to Swedish immigrants customers Sweden local customs and traditional festival!
In Chinese culture has a long history on the wine table, but the customers ready to Swedish immigrants should know that Sweden is a country with a prohibition in advance. Drinking at home to hold a licence to specify to buy, and pay substantial tax.
Every year on April 30 ~ May 2 is the celebration of spring. Swedes in this festival families prepared a big meal, sit together and drink, altogether celebrates the coming of spring. After dark, people on the coated with red stakes with colorful flowers and the leaves, everyone around the symbolizing the spring tree "" may, jump joyful dance. In fact this with the Chinese New Year has a certain similar!
After Spring Festival, and a Swedish most joyful festival, festival every year on June 24, Sweden is old traditional festival - the midsummer. Initially, this festival is in honor of Christ, John the Baptist's birthday, but as the years change, the festival of religious color is very weak. With a beautiful view, the environment quiet Sweden is located in northern Europe, near the North Pole, the long winter, almost half a year in most of the time don't see the sun. And after midsummer day, sunny, sunshine for up to 20 hours. In midsummer day, 24 hours a day is all the day in some areas. Thus midsummer day is the happiest day of Swedish people.
当然之后还会有瑞典最宏大的节日----露西亚女神节。12月13日又是瑞典传统的露西亚女神节。瑞典人传称露西亚女神在每年12月13日夜晚降临人间,给人们带来光明。在斯德哥尔摩,这一天,太阳直到上午9点钟才迟迟升起,而到下午3点钟便早早落下,但从此以后,漫漫长夜便日见缩短,而光明的白昼则一天长似一天。 相传露西亚女神原为罗马帝国的一位官员夫人,因为信奉基督教而被罗马当局刺瞎了双眼,但她依然虔诚地向耶稣祈祷,日复一日,年复一年,终于重见光明。露西亚被瑞典人尊奉为“圣女”,“露西亚”是瑞典国的光明女神。瑞典人传称露西亚在传说中每年12月13日夜晚她降临人间,给人们带来光明和温暖,这一天是瑞典人民举国欢庆的日子。然而到了20世纪20年代末,首都斯德哥尔摩又有了一项推选露西亚小姐的庆祝活动。当选的露西亚小姐可以在市政厅接受当年诺贝尔奖获得者加冕的殊荣,如今这已成为瑞典露西亚女神节一道亮丽的风景。时至今日,仍长盛不衰。
After, of course, there will be Sweden's grand festival - the goddess Lucia day. On December 13, is a Swedish traditional goddess Lucia day. Swedes preach said Lucia goddess in every year on December 13, night came, bring light to people. In Stockholm, on this day, it was not until nine o 'clock in the morning the sun rises late and by three o 'clock in the afternoon and early fall, but since then, the night became more and more shorten, and the light of the day is the last day. From Lucia lady goddess was an official of the Roman empire, the Roman authorities because of the Christian blind in both eyes, but she still pray piously for Jesus, day after day, year after year, finally see light. Lucia is Swedish, as "saint", "Lucia" goddess of light is the countries of Sweden. Swedes preach said Lucia in legend every year December 13 night she came, bring light and warmth to people, this day is the day when Swedish people celebrating the country. In the late 1920 s, however, the capital, Stockholm has an elected miss Lucia's celebration. Elected miss Lucia, can accept the Nobel Prize winner crowned in city hall, now it has become the goddess of Swedish Lucia day a beautiful scenery. Today, still thrive.
More than Sweden of the more important is, please have a look, want to go to the Swedish immigration know the Swedish customs, can better and faster in Sweden!

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