
Have to Swedish immigrants, if your friends and family to Sweden's specialty, you may not know what to send what we say today to send, what is a specialty of Sweden.
Pottery is a specialty of Sweden is actually a few samples, silver products, glass products, candles in Sweden, trojans, is this a few more famous.
陶器;有代表性的玻璃制品有为诺贝尔宴会制作陶瓷器的罗谢特兰德、朴素大方却时髦的哈格奈斯的盘子和咖啡具。装饰着时髦图案古斯塔夫斯贝利的咖啡杯.和茶杯. 后来与罗谢特兰德合并以后就没有生产出有保存价值的产品,但到经?营收藏品的店铺可能看到。另外,瑞典60~70年代的产品中的几何图案令人怀念。虽然钱现在的陶器没有以前做的那么好,但不过还是瑞典比较有名的特产。
Pottery; Representative of glass products for the Nobel banquet making ceramics shetland rand, plain but fashionable hargreaves bernays plates and coffee. Decorated with modern design Gustavus bailey coffee cup. And tea cups. Later in shetland rand after the merger, there is no produce have preserved value of products, but to the? Camp collectibles shop may see. In addition, the Swedish 60 ~ 70 s products are reminiscent of the geometric patterns. Although money now pottery didn't do as good as before, but still in Sweden is famous specialty.
In fact, Sweden is one of the most famous Trojan, Sweden dara Trojan horse is a symbol of Sweden. The origin of dara Trojan is a sweet son. Before and after the early 17th century, in central Sweden dara na region, most people make a living by logging. The workers once in the primeval forest, often is ten days half a month. Lumberjack missing children, there was a man who thought of wood carved a few small toys, home can be used as gifts for children. Horse is the main tool, wood sinotrans in Sweden nearly home domestic horses. So the horse became a woodcutter and his family's most intimate partner. Although only a small trojans, but Sweden is a world famous one specialty.
Hope on these to you for a domestic relatives and friends to send something to make a good choice.

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